Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Merry Little Christmas Stitch-Along — Day 2

We're back for Day 2 of the Merry Little Christmas Stitch-Along and today we're making gift blocks!

This is is simple little block, but it's made extra special by the embroidery in the ribbon and bow top!

If you'd like to mark your embroidery before stitching, I've got a few thoughts for you.  For this project, I experimented with a chalk pencil, chalk transfer paper and a disappearing ink pen.  I found that I liked using the disappearing ink pen on the flannel.  The ink did disappear overnight, but I discovered that I could also speed along the process by spritzing it with water and blotting it dry.  For the wool, I had better luck with the chalk pencil and the chalk transfer paper.

Whichever marking implement you choose, do a test with the actual flannel or wool you're using to be sure that your markings can be removed when you've finished stitching.  And if you're just trying to mark a straight line, like with today's block, thin masking tape is always a great option—just lay it down, stitch along the edge, gently pull it off and voila!

Here's the wool gift block that I made for my traditional version of the pillow.  My favorite part is the red stitching on the white ribbon and bow—it has a kind of peppermint stick vibe that I love!

And that's it for today!  Happy stitching and I'll see you back here Friday for our next block!
