Friday, December 22, 2023

Bundle Up QAL - Quick Addition to Cutting for Assembly

If you're making the Bundle Up quilt or plan to in the future, you'll want to read on.  If not, Happy Holidays!

Thanks to the keen eyes and super fast quilting skills of Kelly Wyatt (this community is the best!!), you'll need to make one addition to your background cutting in order to assemble your quilt.

You'll need to cut from your background fabric:

  • 2 rectangles 1" x 5"

You'll use these in section 2 of the quilt top (step 2, page 1 of the assembly instructions).  The instructions and diagrams referred to this shape, but somehow it was dropped from the original cutting sheet.  I've corrected the cutting sheet so if you haven't yet downloaded it or want to download a new one, the original link takes you to the corrected sheet.

And now that's a wrap!  ðŸ˜‚

Happy Holidays!!


Helpful links:
Bundle Up Quilt-Along Page
Bundle Up Materials List
Bundle Up Cutting
Bundle Up Day 2 - Shoo Fly/Star Blocks
Bundle Up Day 3 - Pinwheels/Snowflake
Bundle Up Day 4 - Brrr
Bundle Up Day 5 - Hat
Bundle Up Day 6 - Mittens
Bundle Up Day 7 - Socks
Bundle Up Day 8 - Assembly

Bundle Up complete pattern