Monday, December 18, 2023

Bundle Up QAL Day 7 - Socks

***The Bundle Up QAL is now over but the complete Bundle Up pattern is available in my Etsy shop.***

🎵 Oh the weather outside is frightful! ðŸŽ¶

The weather is truly frightful here this morning in New Hampshire.  I wish I could say that we're getting snow, but instead it's pouring rain and windy.  Our power is actually out, but thankfully we have a generator and a lot of extension cords so I'm still able to release today's pattern—phew—but this post is going to be short and sweet!  

The upside of the frightful weather is that it's a perfect day for cozy socks!  To wear them and to make them (if you have power!!).  Here's the link for today's instruction sheet (two pages again today):

It's hard to believe that these cute little socks are the last of the blocks for our projects.  Thursday will be the final day of the quilt-along and we'll be assembling our Bundle Up quilts—I can't wait to see how they all come together.  In the meantime, stay cozy!


Helpful links:

Bundle Up complete pattern